Diana Summer is an international professional coach with a psychology and hypnosis background. She is passionate about exploring the human mind and spirit.
With 15 years of researching and studying the human mind, she analyzed and navigated hundreds of thousands of people, discovering that no one has the same mental pattern, combination of beliefs, values, emotions, experiences, and interpretations. Every human being is profoundly unique, in a society that seeks to schematize and give labels.
These labels and these simplifications are the basis of countless mental problems and daily difficulties. We are unique and unrepeatable, so we don't have to look for similar solutions to different variables.
Starting from this assumption, she considers that each person is the only one who can help themselves in difficulties. The only one who knows how to analyze and understand themselves, the only one who can make themselves happy, the only one who will accompany themselves in life forever.
Diana will accompany you in discovering practical and effective mental tools, to embark on the most extraordinary journey you have ever imagined—the journey of self-discovery. You will find that you have always had everything you have always wanted to be, only you will decide to bring it to light, rediscovering a new you — intense, true, strong, determined, and successful in every sense.
Diana is honored to be part of your journey, even if only being able to contribute with the most effective tools that arise from experience.